Monday, October 13, 2008

ALDA Convention Fundraiser Update!!!

Well! I am dubiously impressed with all you folks out there!


I have managed to raise $685 TOTAL in just ten days! I want to thank you all for your support! Even though I didn't reach my goal, I have raised enough money to cover the air fare and hotel which is a feat in itself! So thank you all, thank you for having faith in me! The support means the world to me! I might have some good news to report but I can't tell you yet because I don't want to jinx myself!

However, I started a new fund raiser in the meantime to see if I can reach my goal of $1,000. If I have happen to obtain anything over $1,000, I am planning on donating the overage right to ALDA. If you have paypal, you can just click on the ChipIn link or email me for other ways of donating.

I want to share some of the greatest cheerleaders on the blogsphere and their pleas to help me:

Jennifer from Surround Sound wrote this on her uplifting post called "Can you help?" on her blog:
Abbie over at Chronicles of a Bionic Woman is trying to raise funds to go to this same conference. Abbie wants to go for many of the same reasons I be encouraged and to encourage...but Abbie goes a step farther...she shares what she learns with us back at home. I've said before that of the Jen/Abbie duo, Abbie is the brains of the operation...she is able to break down some of the complicated information presented at conventions and bring it home and share it with the rest of us. She has posted on various topics on her blog such as Bluetooth technology, phone compatibility ratings, Web CapTel, and various bits of ADA information that I just can't wrap my brain around. She doesn't just take in this information for herself...she is out to share what she knows and help make the world a little easier for the deaf/hard of hearing people around her. Her blog is not only a fun read, but a wealth of information. She contributes so much to the deaf/hard of hearing world around her...and now we have a chance to give back! She is trying to raise 1,000.00 to cover her expenses to the ALDA far she is over halfway there. Her goal is to have it all by October 13th...we have a few more days...we can do it!!
Sam over at Welcome to Sam Spritzer's Web Site posted this blog slash personal ad (Thanks Sammo! :)

Abbie at Chronicles of a Bionic Woman who wrote a very touching article about Anna Rice needs our help!

Abbie is a fellow CIer who happens to be one of my favorite fans. She is a a very proactive voice in the CI community and, an inspiration to others. Whether the person is someone who is considering CIs or is newly implanted, she is one of the first to jump on board whenever a visitor comes to Hearing Journey.

Later this month, there will be the 20th annual Association of Late Deafened Adult (ALDA) Convention in Chicago. Abbie who is single (and looking) wants so badly to attend this conference to spread her wisdom, help others, and learn more about the CI process for the late-deafened so that she can be better prepared to help those who come to Hearing Journey.

She is raising funds in order to attend this conference. Of all the CIers I can come across, I can’t think of a more deserving person. Won’t you please help her? If yes, head over to her blog to see what she is about and how to help. And thank you from the bottom of my heart, if you do!

Jodi over at An American Mom in Tuscany: Jordan's Cochlear Implant Story posted just what I expect from Jodi, absolute genius and one hell of a cheerleader of a post called "Abbie Needs Pay it Forward" starts like this:

Ok. We all know that Seek Geo sleeps with a copy of Abbie's magazine cover under his pillow and that she has a thing for anal rice. We know that she is a trash-picker and a leaf-raker and oftentimes confuses words like this: "When a man says bosom, it sounds like booze."...

(Check her blog for the entire post... its well worth the read! :)


Ulf from Becoming Deaf in Norway 2007 wrote this on his blog:
A beautiful soul in the CI-blogger community is trying to raise 1000$ in order to attend the ALDA Convention (Association of the Late-Deafened Convention). Visit her blog for more details. She is one good soul who is alway warm, generous and supportive. She really deserves some support.


  1. Wow! That didn't take you long at all to raise that money -- not that you're all the way there yet, I guess, but still. Congrats! You must have quite the following here. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I have started (actually branched off from OpenDiary) a daily astrological ‘weather’ column on my blog. I found you under a list of folks who have ‘astrology’ listed as interests. I hope you visit my blog sometime and that it blesses you. Thanks for reading!

  2. Hey there. Just letting you know I'll be there too. :)

    ~ LaRonda

  3. Way to go, Abbie! I'm proud of you and happy for you! I know you will have a great time at the ALDA convention. Chicago will not be the same after you leave your "MARK!"

    Love you! Laurie

  4. I am so looking forward to meeting you and LaRonda!

  5. So glad you raised some money. No one is more deserving, as you tirelessly help others, myself included, many times over.
