Thursday, May 14, 2009

Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention 2009

I will be attending the Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention 2009 on July 10 - 12, 2009 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, MA where none other Josh Swiller who is not only pretty easy on the eyes but the author of “The Unheard: A Memoir of Deafness and Africa.”, will be the keynote speaker.

You can take a look at the 2007 convention pictures here. I have to say from looking at the pictures, this looks like it is going to be a fun group! Children, adults and workshops - oh my!

So what is this convention about, check out this snippet below.

Dear Families and Friends,

You are warmly invited to attend the Seventh Biennial Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention, to he held July 10-12, 2009 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA. On-line registration or registration forms will soon be available on this site. Call 1-800-582-3232 to reserve your room at the hotel, or on-line at

Nearly twelve years have passed since our first convention in Sturbridge, in 1997. In some ways, the convention is like a school reunion. Lounging around the pool or at a party in a guest room, we catch up with our friends’ changing lives: new jobs, or maybe retirement; children progressing through elementary, middle and high school, and on to college. And incidentally, how are you or your child doing with the implant? How nice to hear that things are going well!

The theme of the ’09 convention is “We Hear the World.” It is a natural evolution from the previous convention themes of “Raising the Bar,” “Enhancing Communication,” and “Technology Rocks!” In “Raising the Bar” we considered the new higher standards for classroom acoustics, the rising performance levels of cochlear implants and assistive listening devices. The theme “Enhancing Communication” reflected the many new technologies and approaches for facilitating communication access by adults and children in a wide range of situations. “Technology Rocks!” addressed the many exciting technologies and approaches that can unlock communication potential and make possible more complete and satisfying human communication in school, at work, in social settings with friends, and at home..

“We Hear the World” celebrates the many examples of cochlear implant users participating fully and independently in the world around them. The keynote speaker at our upcoming convention, Josh Swiller, will offer some thoughtful and humorous insights about hearing the world and being a part of the world. Josh spent two years living in a rural village in Zambia. That experience is recounted in his book, “The Unheard: A Memoir of Deafness and Africa.” Josh has had a “ large variety of careers, including forest ranger in the California Redwoods, sheepskin slipper craftsman and salesman, Zen monk, raw food chef, journalist, and teacher. The title of Josh’s keynote address is “We Are the World.”

Hearing the world also implies that we listen with empathy and respond to needs that we learn about. Like everyone else, cochlear implant users experience passages in their lives. High school students leave home for college. College students enter the workforce. The generation born after WWII leaves the workforce for retirement, and many of those who received the earliest implants are now golden agers. New technologies and communication approaches can ease the transition to a more mature stage of life. At the convention we will explore these transitions to the next arena of life.

See you there!

Larry Orloff, Chairperson, President, MIC and Marilyn W. Neault, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson, Children’s Hospital Boston

So go ahead and download the registration forms here and I hope to see you there!


  1. Oh man! I'm so jealous! I've been to this convention three times, and it's one of my favorite conventions to go! They have the most INCREDIBLE workshops. I'll be thinking of everyone there!

  2. Hey Abbie! Should be a decent NJ contingent in Sturbridge... We were there in '07 and immediately knew we'd be returning. You'll love it, I'm sure! Hope to meet you there.
