Monday, October 06, 2008

12% Reached on ALDA Donations in TWO days!

In just two days, I have managed to reach 12% of my goal! I am just amazed at the amount of support that I am receiving.

I want to share with you some of the comments and blogs spreading the word:

David, a newly late-deafened adult over at Five String Guitar wrote this post that truly made my day.

Nine days from surgery. I am optimistic of course, as always. Failure of any sort, is not even considered an option, as is any medical mishaps.
As my cochlear buddy Abbie told me back in April, on the eve of my first surgical implant when I blogged about my worries after the surgeon outlined the circumstances that can happen (paralysis, taste disorder and death) " Not on my watch, Sir". Abbie typed in my comments in response to my fear of the worst case.

That made me feel good. I believed her then and do now. I have good people in my life with positive thoughts, wonderful advice, and amazing spirit. I like it.

Little things mean a lot? No sir, little things mean EVERYTHING. I have never forgotten those words that Abbie typed in my comments, because they took away a fear, and brought a calmness and determination in me that still serves me as I get ready for my third surgery in six months. A surgery that will once again require a high speed drill to come precariously close to serious parts of my brain....

Val posted a blog about charity event. You can also check out her newly released book, I'm All Ears :)

On to other news... Abbie is raising money so she can attend the Association of Late-Deafened Adults convention known as ALDA. Abbie is a fantastic advocate for hearing loss awareness, she is a cochlear implantee (if that's the proper term, I use it all the time) and uses her fantastic writing skills to create awareness on her blog Chronicles of a Bionic Woman . So donate to send her to this convention because she uses her knowledge and spreads wisdom to many.

Rachel from Cochlear Implant Online left me this extremely supportive comment:

She is a BIG advocate for cochlear implants by blogging various information about cochlear implants, posting comments on other blogs, and helping out with Deaf Village. In order to continue to be a great advocate, she needs to keep herself up-to-date with the latest information. By going to this conference, it will allow her to continue to receive more information and pass on the information that she learned to others.

Jodi has made an announcement this on her blog.

A commenter name Frank just left this on my blog:

Hi Abbie
Looks like you're making progress. Ignore the naysayers. Maybe they're just upset that they didn't think of it first. We are glad to help. Your blog is a real asset to people with hearing loss!

Sam from Welcome to Sam Spritzer's Web Site just left this wonderful comment:

No one is more deserving than Abbie who has made her mark on the CI community a thousand times over! Her contributions on Hearing Journey are immensely valuable to anyone who is considering a CI. I am proud to have met and known Abbie!

Thank you all for your support!!!