Monday, April 28, 2008

New Website Layout!

Do you ever get the sudden urge to revamp a room? I have painted my living room at least five times since I have been living here. It is sad, but I lost count. With the way the economy is going right now, I decided to hold on to my piggy bank and revamp my blog instead. A much cheaper alternative. :)

Besides, it was brought to my attention that several of my readers had a hard time reading with the black background and I want absolutely no one left out of my rants and ravings. Since I am a little mini web-mistress, I decided to reap the benefits of my skills and cook up something that was a little more user-friendly. While I was doing this, I did some research to see what I can do to make my blog blind accessible. From what I learned, the main content should be on the left because the screen readers are on the right. I tried finding suggestions for color schemes and the answers I got were vague. I would appreciate any suggestions on what I can do to make this more accessible..

I don't bite. Really, I don't!


  1. Woo hoo.. love it!! Great job! So much relaxing here and easier to read now.


  2. I love it! Much softer on the eyes and easier to read. I might suggest darkening the font in the post just a tad. But overall it is great Abbie

  3. Funny, just last night I was thinking about some changes to my blogsite... mainly just the pictures and maybe the headline too.

    Yours looks lot better now especially the web headline.

    Good job.

  4. I love it. I wonder what I can do for mine. Need some Spring cleaning. I love the activation video!

    As always a great job, Abbie.


  5. Look better alot than before! Love it!

  6. Abbie, I LOVE your new website! It's relaxing for my eyes, and it's easier to read now.

    Excellent job ;)

  7. Honestly, I love this. I wasn't about to say anything but I have a hard time reading on black backgrounds...must be my impending old age ;). This is MUCH easier on my eyes! The header is really cool, too :) Terrific, Abbie! :)

  8. I do the same things... have to be really inspired to change a design or make new graphics, but if I am I just dive in and do it. I just got the inspiration to make new icons for my business website this morning. Something I should have done LONG ago (since it's a business!) but I just didn't feel like doing it. I still want to make a new banner.

  9. Hi! I'm a new reader and just had to tell you how much I love your new layout. The masthead is fantastic -- did you design that yourself?

    I also really enjoyed watching your CI activation video and I'm so glad it was captioned -- thank you for sharing that!

  10. I didn't get to see your old one since I got on your blog for the first time over the weekend. Love the look better than any standard blogger site. I am a graphic/web designer myself and I loved your header. Nice!

  11. Oh, so much better on my eyes! Great layout! Now if I just don't muck up on the word verification thingie...


  12. The new format is beautiful! I want to try my hand at tweaking the appearance of my blog as well.

  13. David, I darkened up the font just for you buddy :) How are you feeling with the coming next couple of days?

    Everyone, THANK YOU! You really made my day with all your comments.. Love you all!

  14. Wendi,

    Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy it! My masthead was a stock photo that I embellished. I'm so glad you like it. I'm going to head over to your blog and read a couple posts :)

  15. Suey,

    I am not graphic/web designer but that made me feel great! I'm so glad that you like it!

  16. Loving your new face lift of your blog. I had no problem with the old one but this is easy to read as well. You're such an remarkable woman.


  17. Most of the Usher folks I know prefer black or dark background and yellow or white font, but for me, it's harder to read. I just highlight them to read it. I am planning on remoding my site, too. I don't like the blue any more. Too bright. My favorite color is blue, but if I am honest, it doesn't look good. Will have to wait till classes are over to fix it up again. Ooooh, picking out the HTML color codes....(rubbing hands together)...

    BTW, most blind people with screenreaders/Zoomtexts set up their own color settings so it doesn't matter what color the website is. :)

  18. Now, that's a cool banner!

  19. Ohhhh.... nice layout! I like the banner. :-)

  20. Abbie,

    What a wonderful change! Love it! I know many of your readers will appreciate it!

    My grandmother told me once that it was hard for her to read my annual Christmas letters on colored paper so I always printed them on white paper and regular type for her.

    Hope you are doing well! Looking forward to being "roomies" in June at the HLAA convention!

  21. When I first opened this, I thought, "Did I click on the wrong site?" until I saw a picture of you. Wow.. nice !!!!!

    Great job and this is easier to read for sure.


  22. I LOVE it! Looks like a lovely Spring day, and so high-tech -- hey, just like you!

  23. WOW...what a difference! BEAUTIFUL. Now you're inspiring me to update mine.

  24. HEY Bionic buddy!
    I just wanted to thanks a billion for all your advice, kind words and unbelievable support. It means a lot to me. I love your blog, and I read your every post as well as your wisdom and wit on hearing journey. From the bottom of my heart...Thank you Abbie!

  25. Well-- THIS is beautiful. I never had a hard time reading with the black, but I think this is definitely YOU. You have such prett blue eyes and the background here seems to bring that out. I have meant to tell you you look GREAT on the front of that magazine!! I left a message on Cyndy's blog, but not on yours.


  26. I am the opposite, i prefer white on black background... but I also use JAWS (my screen reader sotware). I just saw, can't remember where i linked it, your blog, so I am new. I don't have a blog, I use Livejournal instead. I enjoy reading your humorous posts. I am looking possibly in the near future for a CI. Not a light decision to make. E-mail me: for more details. I enjoy reading your blog.
