Monday, January 21, 2008

Captioned Cochlear Implant Activation Video

The original activation video:


  1. It's so wonderful that you recorded all this! It took me back to when I was activated. You ARE a miracle. :)

  2. I enjoyed watching it again! They did a great job on the captions.

  3. Thank you Shannon! Thank you so much :)

    Jeff, they didn't do the captioning, I did the captioning :) I finally was able to pick up everything that was said and finish it :)

  4. WOW!! THanks so much for captioning!! I tried watching before and I was excited for you, but I couldn't really understand what all was being said. It was very, very neat to see how it's done. Thanks again!!!

  5. That's so cool! It was sort of like my mapping session, except they start with the beeps on each electrode to test my comfort at each sound level.

  6. Wow, that's cool to finally be able to know what the dialogue is generally like since I was unable of understanding what was going on at my child's activation and subsequent mapping sessions. Thanks for the captions. I am a Deaf mom to a deaf kid, btw.

  7. Nucleus Freedom rocks.

    Thanks for showing your activation video, mine was very different from yours...took me like ten "can you hear it?" before I realize hear something.

    When I told them I was feeling dizzy few times they said that was it. I thought it was just me being nervous. At one moment I (and maybe these audiologists too) thought the inner piece were screwed.

    Good job on creating a website for Chorost, I have his book.

    Been CI'ed since November of 2006.

  8. Night Owl, Without your CI, you can't communicate with your boss.

  9. Anonymous, I'm not sure what you mean. I wasn't talking anything about my job in my recent comment. For me if sign language isn't any use with someone, I use writing to communicate.

    I figure you didn't see this in my comment that my CI was activated in year 2006 so there will be no way I will be able to pick up words or speak better afterward. I've been stone deaf since 18 months old.

  10. I'm so glad you guys like the activation video! I wanted to do it for those that couldn't hear so one could get a sense of what to expect.

    Nightowl, thanks for the compliment on Mike's site! Some people get dizzy from the activation because of the electricity, how are you doing with the CI since it has been over a year?

  11. Hi,

    Wow, I am so pleased to watch your captioned Cochlear Implant Activation Video. I thought it was cool. My son said that you have a nice voice ;)
    I am scared of CI but I am excited for you.
    Way to go, Abbie!

  12. Your caption is great! Thanks for your work.

  13. Abbie with your question, for me CI's been good for environment noises only...I can pretty much identity the noises mostly at my home.

    I do not burn popcorn anymore!

    I could hear the difference between men and ladies' voices...I notice I could hear men better. But I do not pick up words.

    It's more fun watching movies with lot of actions now.

    Overall CI's met my expectation.

    I forgot to add this to my first comment....I was surprised that 4 months after your activation you were able to hear what's being said from your video while you were subtitling. That's great for you.

  14. Abbie,
    I've watched your activation video several times--it's amazing.

    I'm glad that we have found eachother's blogs and can give eachother some perspective!

  15. Abbie, after 4 months can you now understand speech without lipreading? It's been 2 months for me and speech is still pretty unintelligible. Although slowly getting better.

    Thanks for the caps!

  16. Slick,

    I still rely on lipreading for speech but in reality I was part of the video so I already had an idea of what was said. I just had to "hear" it. It would have probably taken me a lot longer to do one I never seen before. Becoming a captioner is not a career choice for me :)

    The comparison from two months ago and now is huge. Two months ago I had problems understanding people behind me whereas today I can understand people ask me a question, even as I am walking away. I am throughly looking forward to the next two months to see how it changes. What kind of things can you hear right now?

  17. I too thought it was remarkable how accurately you have captioned the audiologist's speech having gotten your implant so recently. It certainly is a good testimony to the effectiveness of your CI so far.

  18. Hi Abbie, you did an awesome job captioning. I didn't understand much when the original video became available and I watched the captioned version a few minutes ago. Very accurate...

    I then watched the original and am hearing it better now. It's nearly 6 months post-activation for me.

    I hope you don't mind but may I ask how you captioned your video?

    Loreene (from HJ)

  19. Abbie,
    That is so cool that you captioned it! I am a big fan of this just gave a lot of important info to the masses:) PS. I'm from Bawlmer, Hon! (that would be Baltimore:)) smack, Jodi

  20. Abbie, that's brilliant to have it subtitled! It must have taken you ages to figure it all out as well as putting it altogether - where have you found the time?! I would love to do something like this for my Wedding DVD....not sure how!

  21. That is so cool and awesome. When I get activated, I should send you mine to caption!

  22. I loved watching this. Our 5 1/2 year old daughter got her implant at 16 months, and it is nice to get some feedback from an adult's perspective. I'm glad I found your blog.

  23. The secret of mysubtitles lies very deep within the web but very easily accessible :) Go to If you have uploaded a YouTube or Google video you can add subtitles through this website. It has two tutorials, one easy and one advanced to take you step by step through the process of adding subtitles or comments to your video. It took me a long time to be able to get it done. I hope you can put this website to good use, it is absolutely awesome :)

  24. Thanks for the tip to add captions to videos!


  25. Hello,
    That is awesome that you made a video about CI. I recieved my CI last year before you. I requested during August 2006, then candiated in October but I delayed until November the day before Thanksgiving. My surgery went well. The implant actually stopped my problem such as ringing, etc. I suffered with those things when I grew up. I turned on few days before Christmas. It was amazing to hear but more challenging to hear without reading lips. I wonder if you have hard time to hear without reading lips?? By the way, you are very brave to do the video. :)

  26. WOW..what a great job you captioned your activation video.

  27. Thank you Abbie....this is really intresting for me to view. It brought tears to my eyes watching their and your expressions. It gets me ready for the months to come and helps me to understand what Jillian will be going through.
    You are amazing!
