Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The first day of the rest of my life.

Being bionic is rough work. I am exhausted with lounging around on the recliner all day long. I spent last night wrapped in that sadistic headband with bows that kept slipping down over my left eye. I felt like a pirate all throughout the night. I woke up every four hours to take my perkies because my incision was sore. I missed the moon eclipse by 10 minutes! DOH!

I remained stationary for most of the day. I took pressure bandage off around noon and continued to pop my perkies. I felt free from the evil grips of those gauze bows. The doctor did not shave much hair off. My mom said the stitches are very fine, resembles a very good plastic surgeon handiwork. The left side of my neck is stiff and beginning to develop bruises. I have to use hydrogen peroxide to keep it scab free and Polysporin twice a day. I discovered a couple little cuts on my lips from the breathing tube. I spent most of the day drifting in and out of sleep watching TV and emailing back and forth. The highlight of my day was I just drove down the street to go get my mail.

I got some sweet cards in the mail. I got flowers and balloons delivered earlier today from a friend of mine. It amazes me that in the world that we live in today that I manage to have a fine collection of generous and kind friends that will take time out of their day to drop me a note to see how I am doing. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by them. How many people can say that they have a bionic friend? :)


  1. YOU are brave!! And just think! The worst part's over!! Happy healing. I look forward to reading how much you hear when you get turned on! Smiles, Kim

  2. I think you are very brave too! I am glad you made it through the surgery so well, and I hope your healing goes just as smoothly. Take care of yourself!

  3. This is the best part...being waited on, foot and hand AKA room/maid service! Enjoy it!

  4. Hey girl,
    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Lisa (Natalie's sister, in case you forgot, LOL!!!)

  5. You are amazing! Love your positive, happy attitude!

    Heal quickly and keep blogging - we all want to know how you're doing!


  6. Congratulations, Abbie - it's sort of like having a hangover, isn't it? You wrote that Tuesday and I bet by today (Thursday) you're feeling much better. Rest up and you'll be back to normal in no time.
    Mike Chorost

  7. Hey! How did you get Mike Chorost to post on YOUR blog? How are you feeling today? The first few days are generally rough, so I've been thinking of you! (hugs)
