Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Activation Video

Just like Google, I can find everything I want to watch on YouTube! I found this very moving video of a cochlear implant being activated. This was the first time she heard her mom and dad. I'm getting misty eyed just watching her.


  1. Hello! I found you from Jennifer's site. I know you are excited and anxious about your CI surgery. You will be in for a nice surprise!

    May I add your blog to my site? I'd love to share your journey with others!

    -Laurie in TN

  2. How incredibly moving, Abbie. Won't be long for you now, my friend. :)


  3. wow that was awesome Abbie, to see her hear like that for the first time. I can't wait till your surgery is done and you are at that point : ).
    Love ya

  4. That is really cool. At least you'll get a sense of what its like when you're activated. For me, it was the most awesome feeling and experience. BETTER BRING SOME KLEENEX too!

  5. Hello! That is me in the video :) It wasn't happy crying, the sound was TERRIBLE! But 2 weeks later and I was understanding stuff without lipreading.

    I hope you are prepared for awful-sounding noise at first but it does get better!!!
