Monday, July 30, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I am hoping to write this under a thousand words.

Ladies and gentleman, this is an Audiogram or a hearing test. On the top, you will see Frequency in Cycles per Second (HZ), and on the left side you will see Hearing Level in Decibels (db). What the heck does that mean?! I'm going to tell you without boring you.

Hertz or HZ represents the different pitches of sound. The lower the number, the more bass the sound has. The higher the number, the more treble the sound has. Decibels or db is the volume which the lower the number, the softer the sound, the higher the number, the louder the sound. The picture shows different sounds and where they fall on this graph. You can see that human speech is in the range of 50db and above.

The GREEN line represents normal hearing. Anything below that green line a person with normal hearing can hear.

The BLUE line represents my right ear. The only sounds I can hear are below that line. With a hearing aid, I can get up to 50db but with very little speech discrimination.

The RED line represents my left ear and anything below that I can hear, somewhat. You see that red line goes flat at about 1050Hz and up which means I did not hear anything at volume of 120db which from what I am told is mighty loud.

The rest of this entry is more technical and probably will bore some of you but my fellow geeks will find it interesting to say the least. I want to be able to refer back to it monitor any changes when I get the implant.

Pure tone measures without hearing aids for my left ear are:
95db at 250Hz
105db at 500Hz
110db at 1000Hz
115db at 1050Hz
No response at 2000Hz and up.

Right ear:
90 db at 250Hz
95db at 500Hz
100db at 1000Hz and 2000Hz
95db at 3000Hz
100db at 4000Hz
95db at 6000Hz
90db at 8000Hz

Speech discrimination with a hearing aid for my left ear was 0% in quiet, and +10 noise and +5 noise
For my right ear with my trusty hearing aid in was:
Sentences in quiet was 30%
Words 6%
Phonemes are 30%.

With hearing aids in both ears ranged from 35-42%

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